
Do you provide pick-up service from JR Datemombetsu Station?

We're sorry, a pick-up service between JR Datemombetsu station and our hotel is not available.
Please take a bus or taxi instead.
Donan bus is available for Otaki-higashi-danchi or Kutchan-eki-mae via Kitayuzawa Onsen.
Please get off at Shiraginu-no-Toko. It will take approximately 50 minutes.
It takes approximately 40 minutes by taxi. Please call Donan Hired car at 0142-75-2277 or Date
Hired car at 0142-23-3566.

Do you provide pick-up service from New Chitose Airport?

Yes, we have a shuttle bus service between New Chitose Airport to our hotel (one way 1,000 yen for 1 seat).
Dpt.New Chitose Airport ・・・14:00
Arv.Midorinokaze Resort・・・16:20
Dpt.Midorinokaze Resort・・・10:55
Arv.New Chitose Airport・・・13:00

The designated meeting place is located on Domestic Flight Tour Desk; Amusement Hokkaido Service counter between Gate 4 and 5, ground floor of the New Chitose Airport.
Find the sign of Green signboard 「北海道ツアーデスク」
The fee is one way 1,000 yen for 1 seat.

From New Chitose Airport


  • The departing time schedule is very punctual.Please note that in some circumstance, we may not be able to adjust this for advertised, due to your flight delay.
  • Please note that the shuttle may not arrive at the time on traffic conditions.
  • Please note that neither Midorinokaze Resort or the bus company will not be responsible for the loss of your luggage and/or personal belongings.
  • If you plan on using the bus service, reserving this in advance is essential.

Please tell the reservation center. (TEL +81-142-68-8126 or +81-11-717-2455)

  • Cancellation fee will be charged for this shuttle bus.
    If you cancel the bus on the day of arrival or No-Show (In case you don't contact us beforehand), the charge will be 100%.
    ※Including charges for use of return bus next day
    Please contact us if you arrive later than stated in reservation. Otherwise, it may be treated as a cancellation.

Do you provide pick-up service from JR Sapporo Station?

Yes, we have a free shuttle bus service from JR Sapporo Station to our hotel.
Dpt. Sapporo Station - - - 13:30
Arv. Midorinokaze Resort Kitayuzawa - - - 16:00
Dpt. Midorinokaze Resort Kitayuzawa - - - 10:00
Arv. Sapporo Station - - - 12:30

◇◇◇【Reception Point 】◇◇◇

The group bus stop at the North Exit of JR Sapporo Station

Reception will begin 15 minutes prior to bus departure.
Please tell your name to our staff wearing a yellow jacket.

■Please arrive at the group bus stop at the north exit of JR Sapporo Station 15 minutes before the bus departure.
■ Staff wearing a yellow jacket will be waiting for you.
■Before boarding the bus, please tell the staff your name.
■Seating is unreserved. Depending on how crowded the bus is, you may be asked to share a seat. Please be aware of this beforehand.
■Auxiliary seats may be used.
■Diagonal crossings from bus stops are very dangerous. Please make sure to use the pedestrian crossing.


  • The departing time schedule is very punctual. Please note that in some circumstance, we may not be able to adjust this for advertised, due to your flight delay.
  • Please note that the shuttle may not arrive at the time on traffic conditions.
  • Please note that neither Midorinokaze Resort or the bus company will not be responsible for the loss of
    your luggage and/or personal belongings.
  • If you plan on using the bus service, reserving this in advance is essential.

Please tell the reservation center. (TEL +81-142-68-8126 or +81-11-717-2455)


MAP CODE is 603 723 494, if you will drive.